
About the calculations and results

About the calculations

The model used to measure the product carbon footprint is built exclusively for Scandi Standard, which owns Danpo, and the calculations are based on primary data from the organization when available. For data that is not available, estimates or secondary data have been used in accordance with standard practice and the international standard used. The Carbon Trust, who carried out the measurements for us, has 20 years of experience and is a recognized, trusted and experienced specialist in climate calculations.

Life cycle stages included in the calculations:

- Growing crops for feed, including land use change (LUC factor)

- Feed production

- Parent bird breeding

- Hatching

- Breeding

- Slaughter and processing

- Packaging and packing

- Distribution and distribution

- Retail and sales

- Usage (in your home) - for example, power needed to cool the fridge for product storage and for cooking - and average food waste + packaging disposal

The analysis is from farm to fork and is more advanced than many other calculations on the market (often from farm to gate, sometimes excluding packaging). The calculations include the so-called LUC factor, which means that the climate impact from the change in land use after soy production, for example, is included. This is not the case in many other calculations on the market and has a significant impact on the result.

About the results

We know, based on other studies, that chicken is generally a protein source with a relatively low carbon footprint. Figures from e.g. the large climate database show that chicken breast fillet has 3.44 kg CO2e per kg compared to e.g. ground beef at 32.5 kg CO2e per kg and fresh salmon at 9.1 kg CO2e per kg.

The Carbon Trust calculations of our products show an average of 5.33 kgCO2e/kg product. The results vary between 2.51 kgCO2e/kg product to 8.42 kgCO2e/kg product. Note, however, that for several reasons this cannot be compared with figures from e.g. the large climate database. The Carbon Trust calculations include the entire value chain (farm to fork) and slow-growing chickens, which naturally have a slightly higher carbon footprint. Organic products are also included in the calculations, which further increases the average.

Feed production, especially soy, accounts for by far the largest climate impact. The impact of our direct operations in the form of slaughterhouse operations, packaging, transportation, etc. only contributes to a few percent of our products' total climate impact.

- Farming including all feed production, hatching and breeding - 90%

- Slaughtering and processing - 4%.

- Distribution, retail, sales and use (at home) including packaging - 6%

Based on our calculations, the key challenge is related to the soy in chicken feed. For most of our products, we require traceability and responsible soy production, but the goal is to reduce and replace imported soy with other, local protein sources. Scandi Standard, which owns Danpo, is running a project with feed specialists to produce new feed where soy has been replaced with locally grown crops with lower climate and environmental impact.

We are also members of RTRS - Round Table on Repsonsible Soy.

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