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Responsibility & Sustainability

Our ambition is to be an industry leader when it comes to animal welfare and to deliver healthy chicken products with as low a climate impact as possible. We take responsibility for our impact on people and the environment throughout the value chain.

Caring for people, chickens and the planet

Every day we act responsibly to create value and profitability through our products and by promoting the health and well-being of people, our chickens and the planet.

We support the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Danpo, part of Scandi Standard, fully supports Agenda 2030, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a result of our activities, we have an impact on several of the SDGs and a great responsibility and opportunity to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and their targets.

Read more about the SDGs where we have the greatest opportunity to make a difference here

We work for a better and more sustainable future

Scandi Standard's business concept is to contribute to the joy of food and to health and well-being. We work with sustainable food production, taking responsibility from farm to fork, for people, chickens and the planet. We have developed and adopted sustainability goals that will guide us towards 2030.

Our packaging strategy

Tighter legislation and trends towards a circular economy for packaging affect Scandi Standard, which is why we have developed a group-wide packaging strategy. The priority of the strategy is to ensure product quality and shelf life, reduce food waste and ensure food safety. Then the focus is to reduce the amount of packaging and focus on recyclability.

Choose the Animal Welfare Label with Danpo

The animal welfare label comes in three levels - the more hearts filled in, the better the animal welfare. At Danpo, we have 1-, 2-, and 3-heart welfare chickens. For example, our Farm Chicken from De Danske Familiegårde has 2 hearts. We recommend going for the state-controlled animal welfare label when you buy chicken.

Read more about the animal welfare label here

We support the Christmas Seal Homes

At Danpo, we have supported Julemærkehjemmene since 2014. We know that health is about more than what we eat: it's also about a balanced life with a healthy diet, exercise and a balanced lifestyle.

Chicken is a climate-friendly meat choice

Chicken consumption is expected to continue to increase over the next ten years. One reason for this is that the climate impact of chicken is significantly lower compared to other animal proteins.

Read more about the carbon footprint of chicken here

We have CO2 measured The Danish Family Farms chicken products from farm to fork

We have engaged a specialized and independent climate accounting organization to calculate our carbon footprint across our entire value chain at product level - from farm to fork.

The future district heating in Give is made from chicken

Our factory in Farre produces around 1,000 tons of Danish chicken products per week and all products are frozen the moment they are processed. This creates a lot of energy, and this is exactly where there is an untapped resource.

We all have a shared responsibility for our common future!

Every day at Danpo we work to be better. Every day we work to make a difference for our common future.