
Kristian Agergaard

A lifetime in the countryside

For Kristian from Agergaard, life in the countryside is nothing new. He was born and raised in agriculture, and since 2000 he has worked with chicken production. It was no coincidence that he chose chickens. Kristian really likes the way everyday life looks when you work with chickens, and this particular form of production suits him and his family's life at Agergaard in northern West Jutland very well.

The road to better animal welfare

Kristian started out with conventional chicken production, but when the opportunity presented itself, he accepted the offer to have farm chickens instead - a decision he hasn't regretted in the least!

Even though Kristian started out with conventional chicken production, there's no doubt in his mind that he's now where he needs to be, and he's constantly working to create the best possible conditions for the chickens: "I want to constantly improve animal welfare and do what I can to make sure my chickens are happy."

A busy day on the farm

In addition to the farm chickens, Kristian's farm also includes plant breeding and the production of chip potatoes, which are delivered to chip factories both in Denmark and Germany. Everyday life at Agergaard is therefore never quiet, and there is little time to take time off, as farming requires his constant attention. When there is finally time for a little vacation, he and his family like to spend it at home in beautiful Denmark.